The field of Engineering and Technology Hanoi Polytechnic is in the top 400 in the world
In the field of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology is the highest-ranked Vietnamese school, ranked in the 301-400 group. Hanoi National University ranked 401-500 and Ho Chi Minh City National University ranked 601-800. 1,008 schools participated in the ranking in this industry group.
With Computer Science, only Hanoi Polytechnic University and Ho Chi Minh City National University are named. Both are ranked in the 601+ group out of 759 schools.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology is in the top 301-400 in the world in the field of Engineering and Technology. (Screenshots)
The 2020 world university rankings by field by Times Higher Education (THE) is based on 13 evaluation indicators, similar to the 2020 world university rankings (THE WUR). These indicators are divided into five groups including: training (30%), research (30%), citations (27.5%), international reputation (7.5%) and revenue from cooperation with businesses (5%). However, for each specific industry group, the calculation method is slightly adjusted accordingly.
In early September, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi National University and Ho Chi Minh City National University appeared on THE's 2020 world university rankings (overall ranking). Among them, two representatives from Hanoi are in the top 801-1,000, Ho Chi Minh City National University is ranked in the group 1,000+ out of a total of 1,396 schools.
In February, three major groups of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Electrical - Electronics, Mechanical - Aerospace and Manufacturing, Computer Science - Information Systems) were ranked by QS in the top 400-500 in the world.