Instructions for registering for talent admission 2023 - Talent admission



After the candidate completes step 2. Declaring learning result information, the candidate continues to go to the "Register for talent admission" section.

In this section, candidates need to understand clearly what form of admission they will take at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. In the 2023 admission cycle, Hanoi University of Science and Technology allows candidates to register for talent admission in the following 3 categories:

  • Category 1.1: Direct admission based on the results of the national/international HSG exam
  • Category 1.2: Direct admission based on SAT/ ACT/ A-Level/ AP/ IB results
  • Category 1.3: Direct admission based on profile combined with interview

(*) Note: Candidates can register for 1 or all 3 categories at the same time if they see fit.

► Regulations on admission conditions for categories and candidates can be found at: Talent Recruitment Regulations in 2023


Category 1.1: Register for direct admission according to the results of the national/international HSG Exam

Target audience: 12th grade students with one of the following achievements:

  • Achieved First, Second, Third, and Consolation prizes in the International HSG Competition in cultural and science and technology subjects
  • Members of the national HSG team compete in international competitions in cultural and science and technology subjects
  • Won first, second, and third prizes in the National HSG Exam in cultural and science and technology subjects

In the achievement selection section, candidates will choose the highest achievement, or the Excellent Student Award organized by the Ministry of Education and Training or the Science and Technology Competition Award organized by the Ministry of Education and Training to register. (Contestants choose the highest achievement in the order as above)

* Note :

- Candidates can register up to 3 wishes.

- Student awards for each cultural subject and science and technology field will correspond to each discipline/training program specified in Table 1 and Table 2.

- Proof of success is a photo of the original document or a notarized copy of the Certificate of winning prizes in the above examinations.

- The achievements declared are those achieved during high school studies

  In the "Program" section, candidates can choose:

+ Standard training program

+ EliTech talent program

+ International cooperation program

For each program, candidates can choose the corresponding majors/training programs.

* Note: Candidates arrange their wishes in order of priority from 1 to 3.

Sau khi đã hoàn thành các bước trên, thí sinh chọn mục  để hoàn thành thủ tục trên hệ thống hoặc chọn mục "Làm lại" để thay đổi lại các bước. Đăng ký được coi là thành công khi có email xác nhận của Nhà trường gửi về email thí sinh đã đăng ký trên hệ thống.

After completing the above steps, candidates select the item  to complete the procedure on the system or choose to    the "Redo" item email to change the steps again. Registration is considered successful when a confirmation email from the School is sent to the candidate's email registered on the system.


Category 1.2: Register for direct admission based on SAT/ACT/A-Level/AP/IB exam results

Target audience: Candidates who wish to register for direct admission to Hanoi University of Science and Technology and meet the following conditions:

  • Overall average score for each year of grade 10, 11, 12 is 8.0 or higher
  • Have one of the following international qualifications or equivalent

In the "Foreign language certificate" section: Candidates choose the certificate with the highest results, or can use multiple certificates for direct admission. The minimum score threshold for various types of certificates is specified as follows:

      SAT of 1270 or higher

      ACT of 25 or higher

      A-Level from 70 or higher

In the "Certificate code" section, candidates must enter the correct code according to the instructions in the image below:

Mã xác nhận SAT


Verification code A - Level

ACT confirmation code

* Note: + When uploading the above certificates, candidates only need to take a soft copy, the hard copy will be returned after the admission results are available.

            + For certificates that do NOT have a confirmation code, candidates can fill in the CCCD number to replace that Confirmation Code.

Ielts confirmation code

In the "Self-introduction letter" section, candidates write by hand or type, then print it out and sign. Take a photo and upload a self-introduction letter in English

In the "Program" section, candidates can choose:

+ Standard training program

+ EliTech talent program

+ International cooperation program

 For each program, candidates can choose the corresponding majors/training programs.

* Note:

- Candidates arrange their wishes in order of priority from 1 to 3.

- The certificate must be valid at the time of registration.

- Evidence photos must be clear.

After completing the above steps, candidates select  to complete the procedure on the system or select "Redo" to change the steps again. Registration is considered successful when a confirmation email from the School is sent to the candidate's email registered on the system.

Category 1.3: Register for direct admission based on competency profile combined with interview

Subjects: Grade 12 students with an overall average score of 8.0 or higher for each year of grade 10, 11, and 12 and one of the following conditions:

  • Won prizes in HSG exams (Organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training or equivalent).
  • Won the Science and Technology Award (Organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training)
  • Participate in the Road to Mount Olympia competition in monthly rounds or more
  • Be a student in the specialized system and have an excellent student award from the Provincial/City level or higher (Organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training or equivalent)
  • Are specialized students of key high schools
  • IELTS or VSTEP certificate (B2 or higher) or equivalent

(*) Note: Candidates using IELTS or VSTEP Certificate (B2 or higher) are only considered for the fields of Management Economics and English Language

Candidates need to prepare: 

  • 02 letters of recommendation from 02 teachers who know the candidate well and can give objective assessments of the candidate. Recommendation letters do not have a template and can be handwritten or typed.
  • 01 motivation letter from the candidate, which can be handwritten or typed.
  • Photo of original school transcript or notarized copy (including 05 semesters up to the end of the first semester of grade 12). Candidates can use a transcript with the confirmation stamp of the high school they attend.
  • Photo of award certificate, certificate of specialized student,...

Candidates complete the following items in the registration section:

In the section "Choose a combination of subjects for admission: Each major/training program requires different combinations of admission (including 09 subject combinations specified in the Admissions Project), candidates choose the combination admission with the highest score corresponding to the major/training program for which you are registering for direct admission.

In the "Academic Achievement" section, there are two parts: Main Achievement and Secondary Achievement, candidates choose the item for which they qualify and demonstrate.


* Note: With the Ielts certificate section, candidates only register for this section if they have not registered in the Main Achievement section

Other achievements and awards to calculate bonus points (not declared in the main and secondary achievements section)

Candidates see Table 10, page 12 of the 2023 Talent Recruitment Regulations

  • Secondary achievements can be sports, culture, arts awards, participation in STEM, science and technology...
  • Candidates can download multiple Evidence files by clicking on the "Add other achievements" section.

In the section "Registering for admission"

According to regulations, each candidate can only choose 2 preferences in this admission category. Therefore, candidates need to carefully consider, research, and select training majors to choose the one that best suits their abilities and orientation.

 Evaluate competency profile

The minimum score to attend an interview is 55 points. If candidates do not meet the minimum score, they can reconsider choosing a suitable training major.

The system will announce the score of the candidate's profile, check the suitability of the profile compared to the floor score of the selected training field.

Sau khi điền đầy đủ thông tin thí sinh chọn  để hoàn thành. Hệ thống sẽ gửi tới email xác nhận sau bước này. (Em hãy kiểm tra cả hòm thư SPAM nếu chưa thấy mail)

After filling in all information, candidates choose to    to complete. The system will send a confirmation email after this step. (Please also check your SPAM folder if you don't see the email)



The registration fee for admission based on competency profile combined with interview is 150,000 VND (In words: One hundred and fifty thousand VND).

To pay the verification fee, candidates need to complete the information registration in the Talent Recruitment Section

Candidates make payment according to instructions HERE


  • Step 1: Register an account
  • Step 2: Declaring learning results
  • Step 3: Register for Talent Recruitmen