Hướng dẫn đăng ký xét tuyển tài năng 2023 - Khai báo kết quả học tập


  • Candidates who wish to register for admission to Hanoi University of Science and Technology using the XTTN method;
  • Candidates who wish to register to authenticate and convert foreign language points to an international foreign language certificate.


Sign in to your account

Using "Account" (the ID/CCCD number entered for the first time) and "Password" as the password in the email sent, candidates enter into the corresponding boxes at the Login page interface.

Immediately after logging in, the system will ask you to change your password. Candidates should choose to use a Password that is easy to remember, or easy to use for future access.

Enter academic results information according to high school results


  • Candidates only enter scores for 11 cultural subjects (skip 2 subjects defense and security education and physical education)
  • Candidates will have to enter full scores of all subjects: Math - Physics - Chemistry - Biology  - Informatics - Literature - History - Geography - Foreign Language - Technology - Physical Education of the 3 years of grade 10 , 11 and 12. Enter the point using a decimal point (.) and a number after the mark (.). For example: 8.9, 9.3.
  • The system does not enter scores for 2 subjects: security and defense Education, Physical Education.
  • If you are a 12th grade candidate, you only have to enter 5 semesters (except for the 12th grade semester); If you are a free candidate, you will have to enter all 6 semesters (ie the entire 2nd semester of grade 12).
  • Candidates are responsible for the accuracy of their entered scores, the school will post-check when candidates enroll at the school. If errors are discovered, candidates will be handled according to regulations.


Upload proof of school records

(The format of scanned transcript images should be .JPG, .PNG for a smooth upload process)


  • Candidates take 3 photos of their academic results during the 3 years of grade 10, 11, 12 and upload the photo for each school year. Maximum size of each photo is 3MB. If the photo is large, candidates can refer to the image resizing instructions - HERE
  • Candidates can take a photo of their report card using a phone or scanner, as long as the image quality is clear enough to be able to see the scores on the book; You can upload as many photos as long as it is enough to show all the semester scores (5 semesters for 12th grade candidates and 6 semesters for independent candidates)
  • The photo/scan must show the red seal of the high school where the student is located.

Save and confirm email

After filling out all information, candidates choose    to complete. Please check your email (the email that candidates have registered in the General Information section to receive the notification "Successfully registered for learning results information" (Candidates should also check their SPAM folder if they do not see the email)