
Training language: Tiếng Anh

Admission code: ET-E16

Talent recruitment:

Admissions targets:

Trường Điện - Điện tử (SEEE)

  • Graduated: Bachelor
  • Admissions Time: 8 months annually
  • Training time: 4 - 5.5 years
  • Tuition: 40 - 45 million VND/year


(Click vào ảnh để tải về bản .PDF)

Multimedia engineering is the study and application of techniques for collecting, processing, creating content and communicating multimedia data/information such as text, graphics, images, sound, animation, animation, video. This is an important bridge between information technology and electronics to create products that meet the central requirements of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Training Program

Bachelors/Masters in Digital Communication and Multimedia are equipped with: a solid foundation of Math and science to ensure the ability to self-educate to improve professional qualifications; deep specialized knowledge and broad interdisciplinary knowledge to participate in the creative design and development of technical solutions to solve real-life problems in the field of multimedia and digital communication; Basic knowledge of fine arts, painting, media, culture, administration and management. Besides, engineers are equipped with skills in searching, analyzing, evaluating and detecting problems; systems thinking, teamwork skills, etc. With the knowledge and skills equipped, the bachelor/master in Digital Communication and Multimedia Engineering plays an important role in 3 main areas:

+ Multimedia big data analysis, representation and mining based on artificial intelligence technologies

Analyze, understand and synthesize data (photos, text, video, audio)
Visualize, analyze, manage and mine multimedia big data

+ Create digital content and develop multimedia systems

Art design, graphics, effects, virtual and augmented reality, etc.
Develop multimedia applications for end users: web, mobile applications, games, media publications, etc.
Development of multimedia intelligent systems: robots, autonomous vehicles, drones, smart homes, etc.

+ Digital Communication and Intelligent Computing

Signal processing (encoding, compression), multimedia communication ensures quality of service
High-speed telecommunications networks and systems and wireless communication: IoT and 5G technologies
Cloud computing, fog computing, edge computing

Tuition - Scholarships

In addition to scholarships and financial support from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, students majoring in Digital Communication and Multimedia Engineering have the opportunity to receive:

  • The scholarship is for students with difficult circumstances, students with excellent achievements in study and scientific research.
  • Students are supported and facilitated to be able to apply for scholarships from international scholarship funds and the opportunity to exchange and practice abroad.
  • Join as teaching assistant, or research assistant

Student exchange scholarships and internship opportunities

  • Students have the opportunity to participate in study exchange, research and transfer programs at prestigious partner schools in France, Japan, UK, etc.
  • In addition, during the process, students can practice and experience the real working environment at corporations, enterprises, research institutes partners of the Institute.


  • Engineers, designers: 3D, animation, games, movies, web, ...
  • R&D engineer, data analysis: photos, videos, audio, natural language, ...
  • Digital communication model development engineer: 5G, edge / cloud
  • Manage and edit multimedia projects: movies, advertisements,
  • Research, teaching and management staff at agencies and organizations (universities, research institutes) related to Digital Communication and Multimedia Technology
  • Commit 100% of students to have a job after 1 year of graduation with a salary of 12-20 million VND/month.

Management Unit

Trường Điện - Điện tử (SEEE)