
Training language: Tiếng Anh

Admission code: MS-E3

Talent recruitment:
Xét tuyển bằng Giải thưởng HSG QG-QT/Chứng chỉ Quốc tế/HSNL

Admissions targets: 50

Trường Vật liệu

  • Graduated: Bachelor – Integrated Masters – PhD (NCS)
  • Admissions Time: 4 – 8 months annually
  • Training time: 4 - 5.5 - 8.5 years
  • Tuition: 40 - 45 million VND/year

Advanced Program in Materials Science and Engineering is one of the first ten training programs for engineers in English in Vietnam, starting with enrollment in 2006. Training content using the University's program University of Illinois (USA), ranked 41st in the world according to 2017 statistics.

Qualified engineers meet both domestic practical requirements and international standards. Methods of learning and experiment are conducted according to the method of group work, developing creativity of learners. The program has passed international accreditation by the AUN-QA function.

The program provides learners with an understanding of a material's structure and the fabrication-structure-properties relationship. Learners will learn about modern science and technology, including heat transfer, metabolic and chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, kinetics, and some aspects of mechanics, physics, solid chemistry, etc. .. They were also imparted with in-depth knowledge about the economic, social and environmental aspects of the fabrication of materials. Graduate students have the ability to operate, develop and research in rapidly growing industries such as electronics, aerospace, medicine, and in the manufacturing and manufacturing industries. other basis materials.

Language of instruction: English

Admission form

  • Direct admission (Talent screening)
  • Admission is based on high school graduation exam results
  • Admission is based on thinking test results

Training Program

Introduction about the program - SEE HERE

Detailed training program - DOWNLOAD HERE

  • Detailed outline see  HERE
  • Self-assessment report for AUN-QA test see  HERE

Training time: 5 years

Volume of full-course knowledge: 158 credits

Training process, graduation conditions

Students learn in the best conditions of study in English .  The curriculum is built on the basis of the training program in Materials Science and Engineering of the  University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign   (UIUC, ), a school US training in Materials Science and Engineering. Lecturers are professors of Hanoi University of Science and Technology and some schools and research institutes have experience in teaching, teaching and learning in English-speaking countries; Some subjects are taught directly by UIUC professors.

The training process is organized according to the credit institution, in accordance with the training regulations for regular universities and colleges according to the credit institution of Hanoi University of Technology. The first year students study according to a standard study plan, mainly social sciences and humanities (in Vietnamese), additional English and some advanced Maths. From the second year onwards learn entirely in English.

Knowledge and skills gained after graduation


  • Graduates of the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Program have a firm grasp of the general technical foundations and in-depth expertise in metallic materials, electronic and nanomaterials, and polymer materials that adapt to all working environments. job.


  • Ability to apply basic, core and specialized knowledge in using and manufacturing materials effectively for enterprises, developing materials in domestic universities and research institutes. and internationally;
  • Ability to plan research (independently and in groups), organize work and communicate effectively; Ability to develop in-depth orientation of scientific research ideas;
  • Ability to work in groups, develop team leadership skills.

Foreign Language

  • Effective use of English language in communication and work, achieving TOEIC score of 650 or above

Training time and ability to study to higher education

  • Engineer Training: 5 years
  • Integrated Training Engineer - Master: 6 years

Tuition - Scholarships

Scholarships, financial assistance

In addition to the University's scholarships and financial support, annually students of the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Program can receive:

  • Many scholarships for outstanding students and annual academic support. The total value is up to hundreds of millions of dong.

Student exchange scholarships, graduate study

  • Students have many internships and short-term exchanges at foreign universities.


  • 100% of students have jobs after 1 year of graduation, of which, more than 30% of graduate students have received scholarships abroad to study in countries such as the US, Japan, Australia, Korea, Canada.
  • Popular salary is 10-12 million / month.

Typical job position:

  • Engineers to design, research and operate in domestic and foreign companies and industrial groups in the fields of materials science and engineering, electrical energy, electrical equipment, and automation;
  • Lecturers and scientists at universities and research institutes related to materials.

Management Unit

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