
Training language: Tiếng Anh

Admission code: TROY-BA

Talent recruitment:

Admissions targets:

Viện Kinh tế và Quản lý

  • Graduated: Bachelor
  • Admissions Time: April - August every year
  • Training time: 3.5 years (10 semesters)
  • Tuition: 80 million VND/year





Troy University (TROY)


Specialization in training: Business Administration and Computer Science


            Address: Troy University, 600 University Ave, Troy, AL 36082, United States

            Phone: (800) 551-9716


 Troy University Rank:

Founded in 1887, Troy University (TROY) is a public university in the state of Alabama, USA. TROY is accredited by the Commision on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) for its teaching quality. Troy University was rated by The Princeton Review as the best training university in the southwestern United States in 2009. In the  2010 Forbes Magazine survey and evaluation  , TROY Rated and ranked in the Top public schools in the United States and is the most prestigious university in the state of Alabama, USA. TROY is also rated by Money Magazine as one of the 25 most affordable public universities in the United States with the most reasonable tuition fees and ancillary costs.

Today TROY trains more than 70 majors with over 20,000 students. TROY's training program is taught in 10 countries and more than 60 campuses worldwide. TROY's Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration program are certified by ACBSP (The Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs) for training quality.

“Troy university is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master's, education specialist and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Troy University ”( Troy University is accepted by the Association of Regional Colleges and Universities South and the Commission on Colleges of Associations, Bachelors, Masters, Education Specialists and Ph.D. Contact the Commission on Colleges at: 1866 Southern Street, Decatur, Georgie 20022 -4097 or contact 404-679-4500 with any questions about Troy University's accreditation principles).


Why should you study the Troy program?

- The training program is accredited by a reputable US organization, ensuring modernity and always up to date.

- High quality US and Vietnamese lecturers (3 foreign lecturers / period)

- Serious, dynamic and creative learning environment

- Good English skills

- Abundant soft skills, ability to work in groups, research, and present well

- The cost of studying is very reasonable

- Convenient student transfer to the US with relatively cheap tuition fees

- Very good job opportunity.


  • Direct admission (Talent screening)
  • Admission is based on high school graduation exam results
  • Admission is based on thinking test results

Training Program


Admission requirements:  Admission to candidates with the overall high school average score of over 6.0 and high school graduation score according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam. Candidates who have passed the exam have a TOEFL iBT 61 or IELTS 5.5 certificate to study professionally in English. Other candidates must attend an intensive English language course before entering a specialist program.

Sample Bachelor Degree from TROY University (USA)

 Training methods and qualifications

Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits (about 40 modules) under the TROY program to receive a university diploma: Bachelor's degree by TROY in the United States. All TROY students around the world receive the same diploma.

Students can study full-time at Hanoi University of Technology or accumulate credits to transfer to study at TROY or other universities in the United States.


Language of training : English. Particularly, the social science modules are taught in Vietnamese by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training's regulations.

Introduction about the program - SEE HERE

Detailed training program framework - SEE HERE 

Or the most updated at 's website - SEE DETAILS

Lecturers:  participating in teaching the program are lecturers appointed by Troy University.


Full name: Assoc. Ngo Chi Trung

Current position: Head of Legal Inspection Department, Hanoi University of Technology

Phone: 091 338 2255

Has participated in international cooperation management for over 15 years.

Tuition - Scholarships


Completion of at least 36 credits (equivalent to 03 terms of year 1),

Minimum IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL iBT 61,

Achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) 2.5 (scale 4) or above.

TRAINING FUNDS: About 26.7 million VND / period (1 year and 3 terms; converted by year 80 million / year)


If you have any questions about job opportunities, you can ask the coordinator or contact the Institute/School in charge.

Management Unit

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